綜一館 3F
Manufacturing Shop
- 能依工作圖或實物,規劃加工程序,應用各式工具機完成零件加工,並做組合裝配等工作。
- 各種機械工廠從事機件、零件加工以及組合裝配等工作。
- CNC電腦數值控制機械加工程式設計製作以及操作加工。
- 能熟悉CNC車床、CNC銑床,並能依工作圖規劃加工程序、編輯加工程式,完成各種零件加工。
- 精密工具機實習-車削、銑削、鑽孔、等加工及組裝技術。
- CNC電腦數值控制機械實務、CNC車床及CNC銑床。
- 傳統車銑床應用
- CNC車銑床應用
- 鑽床、鋸床、砂輪機、雷射切割機、氬焊機等應用
Introduction Of Laboratory
Courses Offered:
- Safety and health education and training course
- Traditional mechanical engineering
- CNC machine training
This workshop is for students to learn different kinds of traditional machines and CNC machines, and to train the students to learn from drawing, machining to assembling.
The course contents of this factory:
- traditional turning and milling machine application
- CNC turning and milling machine application
- drilling machine, sawing machine, grinder, laser cutting machine, argon welding machine application… etc.