賴信志 教授
- 徐立全、賴冠瑜、巫尚憲、柯松旻等同學參與「科技友瘋狂-MCU創意暨電源校園設計競賽」榮獲 第三名。(2024)
- 梁耀楓、王丞鵬、徐立全、王富懋等學生以「即時PPG信號擷取與基線雜訊抑制演算開發」獲得第十八屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU 創意大賽 安富利科技_智能健康及智慧居家應用獎 第二名 及 智慧創新應用組 傑出獎。(2023)
- 柯松旻,賴冠瑜、巫尚憲、蔡豐軒學生以「AI影像辨識技術:創新病媒蟲與鼠害智能檢測系統」 獲得2023 全國大專及高中職學生專題競賽 佳作。(2023)
- 穆林同學參與「6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2023」榮獲—Best Conference Paper Award。(2023)
- 徐立全、柯松旻、賴冠瑜、蔡豐軒同學參與「2023年創創AIOT競賽」榮獲—優選獎及企業獎。 (2023)
- 朱翊菖、陳振華、徐立全同學參與「2023年技職盃黑客松中區分區賽」 榮獲—評審團大獎。(2023)
- 陳澤禧、業彧承、童立銓、陳書鴻、陳祈安、賴廷杰等同學參與「教育部智慧晶片系統應用創新專題實作競賽」智慧環境組榮獲—佳作。(2022)
- 劉冠麟、徐子恩、吳昌育、朱荐漳等同學參與「教育部智慧晶片系統應用創新專題實作競賽」智慧環境類組榮獲—金獎。(2021)
- 洪瑛秀等人,以“ A Novel Low-cost Smart Digital Mixer System Based on Speech Recognition”為主題,榮獲2021年ISET國研討會—口頭發表第一名。(2021)
- 劉冠麟、徐子恩、吳昌育、朱荐漳等同學參與「教育部智慧晶片系統應用創新專題實作競賽」智慧環境類組榮獲—金獎。(2021)
- 陳政揚、陳惟、吳哲宇、鄭聖琦等同學參與「南華大學科技學院學生專題競賽」榮獲—特優。(2021)
- 張毓修、陳怡蓁、游沛芛、王永君等同學參與「第20屆旺宏金矽獎」應用組榮獲—銀獎。(2020)
- 張毓修、陳怡蓁、游沛芛、王永君等同學參與「第20屆旺宏金矽獎」應用組榮獲—新手獎。(2020)
- 謝筑媗、張宴卿、朱翊菖、張育軒等同學參與「第14屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU 創意大賽」榮獲—優勝。(2019)
- 戴智泓、朱翊菖、游沛芛、彭鈺珊等同學參加【2019 全國性華醫創客松大賽「健康照護」 與「智慧生活」創意實務專題競賽】之 B 組「智慧生活」榮獲「銅牌」。(2019)
- 謝筑媗、張宴卿等同學,以“線性預測與模糊計算為基礎之高壓縮率生理信號記錄器研製”為主題,獲得2018第一屆智慧醫材創意競賽—佳作。(2018)
- 莊文河,以“低複雜度跳躍式離散傅立葉轉換”為主題,獲得國研院國家晶片系統設計中心—優等設計獎。(2018)
- 洪瑛秀、張瑩婷等同學,以“具二元權重演算法之數位式低壓差穩壓器設計整合多生理信號擷取裝置之雛型研製”為主題,獲得2018第四屆旭泰科技論文獎「大專專題競賽」—佳作。(2018)
- 陳庭育、籃光燦、吳泰霖等同學,以“以校園感知應用為例: 具類電子支付、智慧安全廁所預約系統雛型設計”為主題,獲得2018第四屆旭泰科技論文獎「大專專題競賽」—優良創意獎。(2018)
- 洪瑛秀、傅一帆、楊恩騏、洪得軒、張育軒、莊文河等同學籌組『艾雲嚴選』隊,以作品『振長一點』為主題,榮獲2017 MorSensor 無線感測積木創意應用設計競賽—佳作。(2017)
- 朱翊菖、謝筑媗、張育軒、李文志等同學籌組『戰戰競競』隊,以作品『這味兒很台味』榮獲通訊大賽–聯發科技物聯網開發競賽—佳作。(2017)
- 莊文河,以“低複雜度滑動式離散傅立葉轉換”為主題,獲得國研院國家晶片系統設計中心—優等設計獎。(2017)
- 莊文河、李文志、張育軒,以“糖糖正正的地球人”為主題,參加2017 Synopsys ARC 盃海峽兩岸電子設計大賽—優秀獎。(2017)
- 張瑞鴻、王亦歆、劉瑋昌、蘇志華、黃政賢、黃聖中等同學,以“衝火機器人”為主題,獲得第13屆全國電子設計創意競賽大專綜合類—佳作。(2017)
- 林岳樺、林垣亦、王富慶、謝筑媗、唐振凱等同學,以“地震防災控制門鎖實作”為主題,參加第13屆全國電子設計創意競賽大專綜合類—佳作。(2017)
- 洪禎甫,獲得2016全國電腦輔助電路板設計技能競賽(個人組) —佳作。(2016)
- 張翊緯、洪得軒、洪禎甫、張瑩婷等同學,以「騎著腳踏車吹涼風,心臟沒力快送鐘」為主題,獲得「第11屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU 創意大賽」(醫療健康應用組)—佳作。(2016)
- 洪得軒、張翊瑋、許庭豪、陳泓儒等同學,獲得2016第一屆台灣銀客松(Nosh)提案競賽,以「雲端護守」為主題(生活照護類)評選獲獎。(2016)
- 王善修、朱翊菖、許又中、黃耀正、陳弘磬等同學,獲得2016第一屆台灣銀客松(Nosh)提案競賽,以「具藍芽語音導盲功能之智慧手杖」為主題(生活照護類)評選獲獎。(2016)
- 洪得軒、張育軒、李文志、趙宣、莊文河等同學,以「The Best Offer」為主題,獲得2016 MorSensor 無線感測積木創意應用設計競賽—佳作。(2016)
- 張翊瑋、許庭豪、陳泓儒、洪得軒等同學,以「穿戴式失智銀髮族生理照護與協尋系統」為主題,參加 2016 中華民國生物醫學工程創意競賽,由全國共94隊進入前24強入圍決賽。(2016)
- 洪得軒同學,以「Low-Cost and Prototype ECG Signal Recorder Design Based on Arduino Nano Platform」為主題,獲得2016 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2016) —最佳海報實作展示獎。(2016)
- 林岳樺、朱翊菖、許又中、王善修、黃耀正、陳弘磬、林垣亦、唐振凱等同學,以“結合燈光效果之全息投影實作”為主題,獲得第12屆全國電子設計創意競賽大專綜合類—佳作。(2016)
- 莊文河、張育軒、陳泓儒、吳泰霖等人,以“天氣娃娃”為主題,獲得MorSensor無線感測積木創意應用設計競賽—佳作。(2015)
- 第二十六屆VLSI/CAD研討會Digital IC/SOC類—最佳論文獎。(2015)
- 第二十六屆VLSI/CAD研討會Innovative /Intelligent System類—最佳論文候選。(2015)
- 陳信豪、李佳侑、李文志、莊文河等人,以“無線隨身碟”為主題,獲得–優勝獎(2015)
- 陳信豪等人,以“ A 2.5W Tablet Speaker Delivering 3.2W Pseudo High Power by Psychoacoustic Model Based Adaptive Power Management System”為主題,榮獲2014年A-SSCC研討會學生設計競賽—年度最佳設計獎。(2014)
- 賴旭謙,以“應用聲源定位與感知計算來決策以相干性為基準之雙麥克噪音抑制演算法”為主題,榮獲103年度中華民國民生電子學會博碩士論文獎—年度碩士論文獎。(2014)
- 李文志、莊大緯、高詩婷等人,以“具有資料壓縮功能之個人化心電訊號擷取記錄裝置之研製”為主題,參加2014年全國智慧型電子創意與專題應用競賽,榮獲系統實作組—佳作。(2014)
- 徐詩妮、鄒怡文、盧湘玲等人,以“短距離點對點遊戲機研製”為主題,參加2014年全國智慧型電子創意與專題應用競賽,榮獲系統實作組—系統實作完整獎。(2014)
- 第二十四屆VLSI/CAD研討會—最佳論文候選。(2013)
- 李岳書、戴佩真、李孟昆、張峻隆等人,以“適用於手持式智慧型裝置之心電訊號擷取與資料壓縮系統”為主題,獲得第十三屆旺宏金矽獎應用組—優勝。(2013)
- 藍健升、陳志遠、戴佩真、王齡毅等人,以“高效能心電壓縮編解碼與心率變異分析器”為主題,獲得德州儀器亞洲區DSP/MCU應用競賽(台灣區) —佳作。(2012)
編號 | 計畫名稱 | 執行起訖 | 擔任 |
1 | 基於關鍵詞辨識之語音控制智慧混音多媒體系統研發 | 2023/11~2024/10 國科會 | 主持人 |
2 | 人機智慧協作工廠關鍵技術開發、整合與少量多樣生產 | 2023/08~2024/07 國科會 | 共同主持人 |
3 | 112學年度教師產業研習-智慧生理感測與AI計算人才培育計畫 | 2023/08~2024/07 教育部 | 主持人 |
4 | 以STEM 教育實踐於智駕車開源產業技術研發之人才培育計畫 | 2023/08~2024/07 教育部 | 協同主持人 |
5 | 教育部高等教育深耕計畫第二部分「特色領域研究中心計畫」第五年 | 2023/01~2023/12 教育部 | 計畫參與教師 |
6 | 應用於助聽輔具之時頻分析、梅爾倒頻譜係數與卷積神經網路演算整合雛型晶片設計 | 2022/08 ~ 2024/07 科技部 | 主持人 |
7 | 以時頻分析與卷積神經網路計算為基礎之噪音抑制演算助聽輔具研製(第三年) | 2021/08~2022/07 科技部 | 主持人 |
8 | 共通核心職能課程計畫 | 2020/07~2021/08 勞動部 | 主持人 |
9 | 體感應用學程計畫 | 2020/07~2021/08 勞動部 | 主持人 |
10 | 以時頻分析與卷積神經網路計算為基礎之噪音抑制演算助聽輔具研製(第二/三年) | 2020/08~2021/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
11 | 體感應用學程計畫 | 2019/07~2020/06 勞動部 | 主持人 |
12 | 以時頻分析計算為基礎之噪音抑制演算助聽輔具晶片研製 | 2019/08~2020/07 科技部 | 主持人 |
13 | 以近似class-2與class-2 ANSI S1.11 濾波器組設計為基礎之噪音抑制演算處理器研製(II, III) | 2018/08~2019/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
14 | 以近似class-2與class-2 ANSI S1.11 濾波器組設計為基礎之噪音抑制演算處理器研製 | 2017/08~2018/12 科技部 | 主持人 |
15 | 符合ANSI S1.11規範之低群延遲、低複雜度與高規格的助聽輔具濾波器組演算法設計與其晶片實現 (II) | 2015/08~2016/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
16 | 符合ANSI S1.11規範之低群延遲、低複雜度與高規格的助聽輔具濾波器組演算法設計與其晶片實現 (I) | 2014/08~2015/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
17 | 可攜式DRM / DRM+數位音頻廣播接收裝置與其採用之音訊編解碼器共架構系統設計(I) | 2012/07~2013/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
18 | 高壓縮比與高準確度之心電紀錄壓縮演算法設計與其實現 | 2012/01~2012/10 科技部 | 主持人 |
19 | 智慧感知行動科技微學程 | 2019/03 ~2020/01 教育部 | 協同主持人 |
20 | 用於互動式健身肌力效能評比之智慧物聯網系統開發 | 2021/06~2022/05 教育部 | 共同主持人 |
21 | 具可攜式無線尿液檢測與預防心血管疾病之晶片系統與平台—總計劃暨子計畫一:無線電化學式尿液檢測系統晶片(2/2) [科技部旗艦計畫—半導體射月計畫] | 2019/05 ~2020/04 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
22 | 具可攜式無線尿液檢測與預防心血管疾病之晶片系統與平台—總計劃暨子計畫一:無線電化學式尿液檢測系統晶片(1/2) [科技部旗艦計畫—半導體射月計畫] | 2018/05 ~2019/04 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
23 | 運用課堂遊戲及翻轉動畫擷取巨量行為資料進行程式教學困難點之偵測與排除輔助個人化學習以提升幼兒程式學習成效 | 2017/08~2018/07 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
24 | 輔以獵能系統之無線充電電源管理系統晶片整合 | 2016/08~2017/07 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
25 | 類醫療級居家泌尿照護智能馬桶–總計畫暨子計畫一:類醫療級居家泌尿照護智能馬桶之系統晶片設計 | 2015/09~2016/08 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
26 | 具語音增強功能之多通道數位助聽器設計(II) | 2014/08~2015/07 科技部 | 共同主持人 |
編號 | 計畫名稱 | 輔助或委託機構 | 執行起訖 | 擔任 |
1 | 多媒體智慧混音擴音機研發 | 嘉友電子股份有限公司 | 2023/09~2025/08 | 主持人 |
2 | Yao-Chi智慧排班系統(網頁及手機應用程式) | 耀際實業有限公司 | 2023/08~2027/07 | 主持人 |
3 | Focus系列混音系統開發與Android APP設計 | 嘉友電子股份有限公司 | 2022/10~2023/12 | 主持人 |
4 | 智慧辨識會員系統APP設計 | 紫電科技有限股份公司 | 2022/08~2026/07 | 主持人 |
5 | 刀具磨損偵測警示系統開發 | 台華五金刀具有限公司 | 2021/10~2022/09 | 主持人 |
6 | 鼠害自動化偵測與防法系統開發 | 耀際實業有限公司 | 2021/08~2026/07 | 主持人 |
7 | AI視覺演算與儲能系統開發 | 嵐奕科技有限公司 | 2021/08~2025/07 | 主持人 |
8 | 無線生理信號擷取轉換模組研製與Android APP設計 | 台灣華爾企業股份有限公司 | 2018/02~2019/01 | 主持人 |
9 | 以LoRa為通訊基礎之無線傳輸感測應用 | 冠辰數位有限公司 | 2018/02~2018/09 | 主持人 |
10 | 幹細胞培養裝置原型開發計畫-子計畫B | 索拉諾半導體科技股份有限公司 | 2017/05~2018/04 | 主持人 |
11 | 以TCP/IP為基礎之資料串流控制卡研發計畫(II) | 定承企業有限公司 | 2017/02~2018/04 | 主持人 |
12 | 以TCP/IP為基礎之資料串流控制卡研發計畫(I) | 定承企業有限公司 | 2016/08~2018/09 | 主持人 |
13 | 校車定位回報系統 | 南華大學資訊室 | 2016/08~2016/12 | 主持人 |
14 | I2C bus整合多個伺服馬達計畫 | 嵐奕科技有限公司 | 2016/08~2016/11 | 主持人 |
15 | 迷你三好燈製作 | 南華大學資訊室 | 2015/10~2015/11 | 主持人 |
16 | 數位電視公播切換系統 | 南華大學資訊室 | 2015/07~2015/10 | 主持人 |
17 | 建立ADAS系統所需要的ground truth資料庫 | 工業技術研究院 | 2014/11~2015/11 | 主持人 |
18 | 三好燈製作 | 南華大學資訊室 | 2014/07~2015/10 | 主持人 |
19 | 傅耳電針數位化 | 大林慈濟中醫部 葉明憲醫師 | 2013/09~2014/12 | 主持人 |
20 | 可更換光源模組之生物性應檢驗裝置(總計畫) | 索拉諾半導體科技股份有限公司 | 2017/05~2018/04 | 共同主持人 |
21 | 自動化無人停車場系統之研發 | 科技部、盛鐽電子有限公司 | 2015/06~2016/05 | 共同主持人 |
22 | 自動化無人停車場系統計畫 | 盛鐽電子有限公司 | 2015/01~2015/07 | 共同主持人 |
- Yen-Ching Chang, Szu-Ting Wang, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yap-Feng, Liang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Shin-Chi Lai*, “Heart Valve Disease Recognition Using Phonocardiogram Signal Based on A Lightweight Convolution Neural Network”, 20th International SoC Design Conference, October 25-28, 2023.
- Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yen-Ching Chang, Szu-Ting Wang, Jeng-Dao Lee, Wen-Ho Juang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Shin-Chi Lai*,“Convolutional Neural Network-based Keyword Classification for Mixer Control”, 20th International SoC Design Conference, October 25-28, 2023.
- En-Chi Yang, Szu-Ting Wang, Kuan-Lin Liu, Wen-Ho Juang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, How-Chiun Wu, Shin-Chi Lai*, “Fast Measurement of Impedance Calculation for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”, 20th International SoC Design Conference, October 25-28, 2023.
- Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yen-Ching Chang, Szu-Ting Wang, Jeng-Dao Lee, Wen-Ho Juang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Shin-Chi Lai*, “Keyword Classification in Mixer Control using Convolutional Neural Network”, TJCASxTKCAS 2023, September 6-8, 2023. (Accepted on 1 August, 2023.)
- Kuan-Lin Liu, Shang-Sian Wu, Li-Chuan Hsu, Song-Min Ke, Guan-Yu Lai, Feng-Shiuan Tsai, Szu-Ting Wang, Wei-Da Chen and Shin-Chi Lai*, “An Innovative Intelligent Rodent Monitoring System”, TJCASxTKCAS 2023, September 6-8, 2023.
- Yao-Feng Liang, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Szu-Ting Wang, Shin-Chi Lai*, “A Photoplethysmography Measurement System for Stress Calculation Based on Heart Rate Variability”, TJCASxTKCAS 2023, September 6-8, 2023.
- Yen-Ching Chang, Szu-Ting Wang, Ying-Hsiu Hong, Yao-Feng Liang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Shin-Chi Lai*, Heart Valve Disease Recognition Using Phonocardiogram Signal Based on A Lightweight Convolution Neural Network, the 34th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, August 1-4, 2023.
- En-Chi Yang, Szu-Ting Wang, Wen-Ho Juang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, How-Chiun Wu and Shin-Chi Lai*, Portable and High Accuracy EIS System Design with a Low-Complexity Impedance Calculation, the 34th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, August 1-4, 2023.
- Yen-Ching Chang, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Szu-Ting Wang, Yi-Chang Zhu4, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “Low-computation and High-accuracy Deep-CNN Algorithm Design for Phonocardiogram Disease Recognition Based on MFCC Feature Extraction,” International Symposium on Engineering and Technology 2022 (ISET 2022), Taichung, Taiwan, 2022.
- Yao-Feng Liang, Pei-Fen Chang, Min-Yi Hsu, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Szu-Ting Wang, and Shin-Chi Lai *, “A Low-cost Sensoring System for Estimating Motion State from PPG Signals,” 2022 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA 2022), Taichung, Taiwan, 2022.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yi-Chang Zhu, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Wen-Ho Juang, “Direct Computation of Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm and Its Hardware Architecture Design for Mel-scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficients,” 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE), 2021.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yi-Chang Zhu, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Wen-Ho Juang, “A Novel Low-cost Smart Digital Mixer System Based on Speech Recognition”, the 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET), 2021.
- Wen-Ho Juang, Shin-Chi Lai, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Shuenn-Yuh Lee, “Extending the S.-C. Lai et al.’s Sliding DFT Approach: A Low-cost and Low-coefficient Architecture Design,” International Computer Symposium (ICS 2018), Yunlin, Taiwan, December 20-22 2018.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsiu Hung, and Ying-Ting Chang, “Low-Cost Prototype Design of Biomedical Sensing Device for ECG and EMG Signal Acquisition System,” 2018 International Conference BIOMDLORE, Białystok, Poland, June 28-30 2018.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Pei-Chen Tail, Meng-Kun Lee, Sheau-Fang Lei, and Ching-Hisng Luo, “Prototype System Design of ECG Signal Acquisition with Lossless Data Compression Algorithm Applied for Smart Devices,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taichung Taiwan, May 19-21 2018.
- Wen-Kai Tsai, Ching-Ting Lu, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Shin-Chi Lai, “Moving Object Tracking Algorithm Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taichung Taiwan, May 19-21 2018.
- Yu-Syuan Jhang, Wen-Chih Li, Yi-Hsiang Juan, Wen-Ho Juang, Ching-Hsing Luo, Shuenn-Yuh Lee, and Shin-Chi Lai, “Novel Digital Calibration Algorithm Based on Matrix Form Analysis for a 12-Bit SAR ADC Design,” 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2017), Okayama Japan, Aug. 21-23 2017.
- Wen-Ho Juang, Shin-Chi Lai, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Shuenn-Yuh Lee, “Novel Two-dimension Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm and Its Hardware Architecture Design,” 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2017), Okayama Japan, Aug. 21-23 2017.
- Ying-Hsiu Hung, Te-Hsuan Hung, Wen-Chih Li, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Wen-Ho Juang, Wen-Kai Tsai, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Shin-Chi Lai, “Fast Prototype Design for ECG Signal Acquisition with a 3v-Output Digital Low-Dropout Regulator,” 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2017), Okayama Japan, Aug. 21-23 2017.
- Wen-Chih Li, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Te-Hsuan Hung, Yi-Hsiang Juan, Wen-Ho Juang, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Shin-Chi Lai, “80dB CMRR and 70dB PSRR Analog Front-end Integrated Chip and Digital Signal Processing Algorithm for a ECG Acquisition System,” 2017 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2017), Okayama Japan, Aug. 21-23 2017.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Ho Juang, Yi-Hsiang Juan, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Wen-Kai Tsai, “Low-Cost and Low-Complexity Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Based on a Compact Recursive Structure for Real Input Sequence,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Okinawa Japan, May 28-June 1 2016. (First Prize Paper Award)
- Yi-Hsiang Juan, Hong-Yi Huang, Shuenn-Yuh Lee, Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Ho Juang, and Ching-Hsing Luo “A Digitally Self-Calibration Method with Recursive DFT Algorithm for 12-bit SAR ADC Realization,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Okinawa Japan, May 28-June 1 2016. (First Prize Paper Award)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Te-Hsuan Hung, Wen-Chih Li, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Kuan-Ying Chang, Wen-Ho Juang, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Low-Cost and Prototype ECG Signal Recorder Design Based on Arduino Nano Platform,” 2016 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2016), Tainan Taiwan, Jul. 2016. (Best Poster Design)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Te-Hsuan Hung, Wen-Chih Li, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Kuan-Ying Chang, Wen-Ho Juang, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Low-Cost and Prototype ECG Signal Recorder Design Based on Arduino Nano Platform,” 2016 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2016), Tainan Taiwan, Jul. 2016.
- Ke-Horng Chen, Wen-Hao Yang, Hsiang-An Yang, Chin-Long Wey, Ying-Hsi Lin, Chao-Cheng Lee, Jian-Ru Lin, Tsung-Yen Tsai, and Shin-Chi Lai, “A 96% Efficiency and 0.5% Current Cross Regulation Single Inductor Multiple Floating Output (SIMFO) LED Driver with 24-bit Color Resolution,” 2016 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2016), San Francisco, CA, Jan. 31–Feb. 4, 2016, pp. 230–231.
- Yen-Ting Lin, Shin-Chi Lai, Shin-Hao Chen, Shen-Yu Peng, Ke-Horng Chen, Sheng Kang, Kevin Cheng, Ying-Hsi Lin, Chen-Chih Huang, and Chao-Cheng Lee, “99.4% Peak Audio Signal Recovery Rate and Ultra-Low 0.32dB Matching Error with 10Hz High Resolution Filter Fitting Wearable Aided Speech Compensation System,” 2015 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC 2015), Xiamen Fujian, China, Nov. 9–Nov. 11, 2015, pp. 1–4.
- Hsiang-An Yang, Chao-Chang Chiu, Shin-Chi Lai, Jui-Lung Chen, Chih-Wei Chang, Che-Hao Meng, Ke-Horng Chen,Chin-Long Wey, Ying-Hsi Lin, Chao-Cheng Lee, Jian-Ru Lin, Tsung-Yen Tsai, and Hsin-Yu Luo, “120V/Ns Output Slew Rate Enhancement Technique and High Voltage Clamping Circuit in High Integrated Gate Driver for Power GaN Fets,” the 41th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2015), pp.291–294, Graz, Austria, Sep. 14–18, 2015.
- Meng-Wei Chien, Wen-Hau Yang, Ying-Wei Chou, HsinChieh Chen, Wei-Chung Chen, Ke-Horng Chen, Chin-Long Wey, Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsi Lin, Chao-Cheng Lee, JianRu Lin, Tsung-Yen Tsai, and Hsin-Yu Luo, “Suppressing Output Overshoot Voltage Technique with 47.1mW/µs Power-Recycling Rate and 93% Peak Efficiency DC-DC Converter for Multi-Core Processors,” the 41th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2015), pp.188–191, Graz, Austria, Sep. 14–18, 2015.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Kuan-Ying Chang, Te-Hsuan Hung, Wen-Chih Li, Siang-Ling Lu, and Hung-Ju Chen, “Two-Electrode ECG Signal Recorder Design with DSP algorithms,” 2015 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2015), Tokushima Japan, Aug. 2015.
- Shin-Hao Chen, Shen-Yu Peng, Ke-Horng Chen, Shin-Chi Lai, Sheng Kang, Kevin Cheng, Ying-Hsi Lin, Chen-Chih Huang, and Chao-Cheng Lee, “A 2.5W Tablet Speaker Delivering 3.2W Pseudo High Power by Psychoacoustic Model Based Adaptive Power Management System,” 2014 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC 2014), pp.221–224, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 10–Nov. 12, 2014. (Best Student Design Award)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Chih-Hao Liu, Ling-Yi Wang, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “14-ms-Group-Delay and Low-Complexity Algorithm Design of 18-band Quasi-ANSI S1.11 1/3 Octave Filter Bank for Digital Hearing Aids,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2014), pp.81–84, Kitakyushu Japan, Aug. 2014.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Hsu-Cheng Lai, Feng-Chung Hong, Huan-Ru Lin, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “A Novel Coherence-Function-based Noise Suppression Algorithm by Applying Sound-Source Localization and Awareness-Computation Strategy for Dual Microphones,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2014), pp.313–316, Kitakyushu Japan, Aug. 2014.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Chih Li, Sin-He You, Da-Wei Zhuang, and Shih-Ting Gao, “Low-Cost and Low-Complexity ECG Signal Recorder Design Based on Arduino Platform,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2014), pp.309–312, Kitakyushu Japan, Aug. 2014.
- An-Kai Li, Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Kai Tsai, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “Low-Complexity Algorithm of Recursive Analysis and Synthesis Quadrature Mirror Filterbanks for Digital Radio Mondiale,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2014), pp. 85–88, Kitakyushu Japan, Aug. 2014.
- An-Kai Li, Sheau-Fang Lei, Wen-Kai Tsai, and Shin-Chi Lai, “Fast Algorithm and Common Structure Design of Recursive Analysis and Synthesis Quadrature Mirror Filterbanks for Digital Radio Mondiale,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.85–88, Beijing China, June 1-5, 2014.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Ho Juang, Yueh-Shu Lee, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “High-Performance RDFT Design for Applications of Digital Radio Mondiale,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.2601–2604, Beijing China, May 19-23, 2013.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Wei-Che Chien, Chien-Sheng Lan, Meng-Kun Lee, Ching-Hisng Luo, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “An Efficient DCT-IV-based ECG Compression Algorithm and Its Hardware Accelerator Design,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.1296–1299, Beijing China, May 19-23, 2013.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Yi-Ping Yeh, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “Coefficient-Free and High-Accuracy Recursive Kernel Design for Forward and Inverse Transforms of MDST and MDCT,” 2012 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Conference (ICCCAS), pp.38–41, Taichung, Taiwan, August 20-22, 2012.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Chien-Sheng Lan, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “An Efficient Method of ECG Signal Compression by Using a DCT-IV Spectrum,” 2012 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Conference (ICCCAS), pp.46–49, Taichung, Taiwan, August 20-22, 2012.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Yi-Ping Yeh, and Sheau-Fang Lei , “Hardware-Efficient Filterbank Design for Fast Recursive MDST and IMDST Algorithms,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.778–781, Seoul Korea, May 20-23, 2012.
- Shin-Chi Lai, Sheau-Fang Lei, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Low-Cost and Shared Architecture Design of Recursive DFT/IDFT/IMDCT Algorithms for Digital Radio Mondiale System,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2010), pp.276–279, Oct. 2010.
- Sheau-Fang Lei, Shin-Chi Lai, Yin-Tsung Hwang, Ching-Hsing Luo, “A High-Precision Algorithm for the Forward and Inverse MDCT using the Unified Recursive Architecture,” Proc.12th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Algarve, Portugal, April 2008.
- C. L. Chang, S.-C. Lai, C. M. Hsu, C. W. Chang, C. H. Luo, and J. C. Chiou, “A power-efficient wireless biotelemetry for MEMS sensing physiological signal analysis,” Presented at Asia-Pacific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, June 22–25, 2008.
- Yin-Tsung Hwang and Shin-Chi Lai, “A novel MDCT/IMDCT computing kernel design”, IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation, pp.526 – 531, Nov. 2005.
- Wen-Ho Juang, En-Chi Yang, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, How-Chiun Wu, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “Portable RDFT-Based EIS System Design With a Low-Complexity Impedance Calculation”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 6503015, 9 May. 2023. (IF=5.6, 2023 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Szu-Ting Wang*, Kuan-Lin Liu, and Chang-Yu Wu, “A Remote Monitoring System for Rodent Infestation Based on LoRaWAN,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 9, 22 April 2023. (IF=3.9, 2023 JCR)
- Ming-Hwa Sheu, S. M. Salahuddin Morsalin, Chung-Chian Hsu, Shin-Chi Lai, Szu-Hong Wang, Chuan-Yu Chang, “Improvement of Human Pose Estimation and Processing With the Intensive Feature Consistency Network”, IEEE Access, vol.11, pp.28045-28059, Mar. 2023. (IF=3.9, 2023 JCR)
- Ming-Hwa Sheu, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Yen-Ching Chang, Szu-Ting Wang, Chuan-Yu Chang, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “Lightweight Denoising Autoencoder Algorithm Design for Electrode Motion Artifact Removal in Electrocardiogram,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 98104–98116, Oct. 2022. (IF=3.476, 2022 JCR)
- Yu-Syuan Jhang, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Szu-Hong Wang, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “Integration Design of Portable ECG Signal Acquisition with Deep-Learning Based Electrode Motion Artifact Removal on an Embedded System,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 57555–57564, 26 May 2022. (IF=3.476, 2022 JCR)
- Yu-Syuan Jhang, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Szu-Hong Wang, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “Channel-wise Average Pooling and 1D Pixel-Shuffle Denoising Autoencoder for Electrode Motion Artifact Removal in ECG,” Applied Sciences, vol. 12, pp. 6957, 9 July 2022. (IF=2.838, 2022 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yi-Chang Zhu, Szu-Ting Wang, Qi-Xian Huang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Wen-Ho Juang*, “Hardware Accelerator Design of DCT Algorithm with Unique-Group Cosine Coefficients for MFCC,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 79681-79688, Oct. 2022. (IF=2.838, 2022 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Ying-Hsiu Hung, Yi-Chang Zhu, Szu-Ting Wang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Wen-Ho Juang*, “A Low-Cost Smart Digital Mixer System Based on Speech Recognition,” Electronics, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 604, 16 Feb. 2022. (IF=2.397, 2021 JCR)
- Ming-Hwa Sheu, Yu-Syuan Jhang, S M Salahuddin Morsalin, Yao-Fong Huang, Chi-Chia Sun, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “UAV Object Tracking Application Based-on Patch Color Group Feature on Embedded System,” Electronics, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 1864, 3 August 2021. (IF=2.397, 2021 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Zhu-Xuan Xie, Yi-Chang Zhu, Yen-Ching Chang, and Yu-Syuan Jhang, “High compression rate algorithm to speed up transmission-Real-time measurement of EMG/ECG physiological signals,” Micro-Electronics, no. 412, pp. 81–86, Jul. 2020. (in Chinese, National Magazine)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Yen-Ching Chang, Zhu-Xuan Xie, Yu-Syuan Jhang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Wen-Ho Juang*, “A Prototype Design of ECG and EMG Acquisition System with Novel Lossless Data Compression and Baseline Wandering Cancellation Algorithms,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 77–91, Jun. 2020.
- Wen-Ho Juang and Shin-Chi Lai*, “A non-feedback-loop and low-computation- complexity algorithm design for a novel 2-D sliding DFT computation,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 104912-104920, Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2930833 (IF=4.098, 2018 JCR)
- Wen-Ho Juang, Shin-Chi Lai*, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Shuenn-Yuh Lee, “VLSI Architecture for Novel Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform Computation,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 30491–30500, 2018. (IF=4.098, 2018 JCR)
- Ching-Hsing Luo*, Mei-Jywan Syu, Shu-Chu Shiesh, Shin-Chi Lai, Wei-Jhe Ma, Yi-Hsiang Juan, Wen-Ho Juang, “Chapter 13: Urine Microchip Sensing System,” Smart Sensors and Systems: Innovations for Medical, Environmental, and IoT Applications, Springer, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-33201-7.
- W.-H. Juang, S.-C. Lai*, K.-H. Chen, W.-k. Tsai, and C.-H. Luo, “Low-complexity hopping DFT design based on a compact recursive structure,” Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 25–27, Jan. 2017. (IF=1.343, 2018 JCR)
- Ching-Hsing Luo, Wei-Jhe Ma, Wen-Ho Juang, Shin-Hung Kuo, Chih-Yuan Chen, and Shin-Chi Lai*, “An ECG Acquisition System Prototype Design with Flexible PDMS Dry Electrodes and Variable Transform Length DCT-IV Based Compression Algorithm,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 23, pp. 8244–8254, Dec. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2584648 (IF=3.067, 2018 JCR)
- Yi-Hsiang Juan, Hong-Yi Huang, Shuenn-Yuh Lee, Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Ho Juang, and Ching-Hsing Luo*, “A Self-testing Platform with a Foreground Digital Calibration Technique for SAR ADCs,” Applied Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 217, July 2016. (IF=1.762, 2016 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Wei-Jhe Ma, Wen-Ho Juang, Kuan-Ying Chang, Wen-Chih Li, Te-Hsuan Hung, Siang-Ling Lu, Pei-Chen Tai, Ching-Hsing Luo, Chia-Chun Tsai, and Chiung-Hon Lee*, “Thumb-based ECG Signal Acquisition System with Digital Signal Processing Algorithms,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 83–92, June 2016.
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Wen-Ho Juang, Yi-Hsiang Juan, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “A Low-Complexity Recursive Algorithm and Compact Hardware Design for Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 73–81, June 2016.
- Wei-Jhe Ma, Ching-Hsing Luo*, Jiun-Ling Lin, Sin-Houng Chou, Ping-Hung Chen, Mei-Jywan Syu, Shin-Hung Kuo, and Shin-Chi Lai, “A Portable Low-Power Acquisition System with a Urease Bioelectrochemical Sensor for Potentiometric Detection of Urea Concentrations,” Sensors 16, no. 4: 474, Apr. 2016. (IF=2.033, 2016 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Wen-Ho Juang, Yueh-Shu Lee, Shin-Hao Chen, Ke-Horng Chen, Chia-Chun Tsai, and Chiung-Hon Lee, “Hybrid Architecture Design for Calculating Variable-Length Fourier Transform,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 279–283, Mar. 2016. (IF=1.136, 2016 JCR)
- Yi-Hsiang Juan, Hong-Yi Huang, Shin-Chi Lai, Wen-Ho Juang, Shuenn-Yuh Lee*, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “A Distortion Cancellation Technique with the Recursive DFT Method for Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 146–150, Feb. 2016. (IF=1.136, 2016 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Chih-Hao Liu, Ling-Yi Wang Shin-Hao Chen, and Ke-Horng Chen, “11.25-ms-Group-Delay and Low-Complexity Algorithm Design of 18-band Quasi-ANSI S1.11 1/3 Octave Digital Filter Bank for Hearing Aids,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 1572–1581, June 2015. (IF=2.393, 2016 JCR)
- 賴信志*, 陳科宏, 雷曉方, 葉俊宜, 林建成, 謝宇唐, 陳龍德, “穿戴式智慧裝置與車載聯網之應用-追蹤防撞警示系統, 電工通訊季刊,第三季, pp. 25-34, Sep. 2014. (in Chinese, National Magazine)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Meng-Kun Lee, An-Kai Li, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “An Innovative Fast Algorithm and Structure Design for Analysis and Synthesis Quadrature Mirror Filterbanks on the SBR in DRM”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 806–810, November 2013. (IF=1.136, 2016 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai, Yueh-Shu Lee, and Sheau-Fang Lei*, “Low-Power and Optimized VLSI Implementation of Compact RDFT Processor for the Computations of DFT and IMDCT in a DRM and DRM+ Receiver”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 99-113, May 2013.
- Chih-Yuan Chen, Chia-Lin Chang, Chih-Wei Chang, Shin-Chi Lai, Tsung-Fu Chien, Hong-Yi Huang, Jin-Chern Chiou, and Ching-Hsing Luo*, “A Low-power Bio-potential Acquisition System with Flexible PDMS Dry Electrodes for Portable Ubiquitous Healthcare Applications”, Sensors, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 3077-3091, 2013. (IF=1.739, 2012 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Yi-Ping Yeh, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “Corrections to the Area- and Power-Efficient Design of Daubechies Wavelet Transforms Using Folded AIQ Mapping”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 511–514, August 2012. (IF=1.41, 2012 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Yi-Ping Yeh, Wen-Chieh Tseng, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “Low-Cost and High-Accuracy Design of Fast Recursive MDCT / MDST / IMDCT / IMDST Algorithms and Their Realization”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 65–69, January 2012. (IF=1.41, 2012 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Wen-Ho Juang, Chen-Chieh Lin, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “High-Throughput, Power-Efficient, Coefficient-Free and Reconfigurable Green Design for Recursive DFT in a Portable DRM Receiver”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, no.3, pp. 137–145, June 2011.
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Sheau-Fang Lei, Wen-Ho Juang, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “A Low-Cost, Low-Complexity and Memory-Free Architecture of Novel Recursive DFT and IDFT Algorithms for DTMF Application”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 711–715, September 2010. (IF=1.334, 2011)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Wen-Ho Juang, Chia-Lin Chang, Chen-Chieh Lin, Ching-Hsing Luo, and Sheau-Fang Lei, “Low-Computation cycle, Power-Efficient, and Reconfigurable Design of Recursive DFT for Portable Digital Radio Mondiale Receiver”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 647–651, August 2010. (IF=1.334, 2011 JCR)
- Sheau-Fang Lei, Shin-Chi Lai*, Po-Yin Cheng, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Low Complexity and Fast Computation for Recursive MDCT and IMDCT Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 571–575, July 2010. (IF=1.334, 2011 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Sheau-Fang Lei, Chia-Lin Chang, Chen-Chieh Lin, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Low Computational Complexity, Low Power, and Low Area Design for the Implementation of Recursive DFT and IDFT Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 921–925, Dec. 2009. (IF=1.334, 2011 JCR)
- Shin-Chi Lai*, Sheau-Fang Lei, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “Common Architecture Design of Novel Recursive MDCT and IMDCT Algorithms for Application to AAC, AAC in DRM, and MP3 Codecs”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 793–797, October 2009. (IF=1.334, 2011 JCR)